What do you do if cox usage meter says you are using 80gb a day? When I unplugged the modem from the wall two days ago? wasn't using any internet the past few days cause I knew I would not be home, and i just did not believe cox when they said I was close to going over my limit of 1024 gb... So I decided to see if their data usage meter was accurate... So with the modem off, unplugged from the wall for two days in a row it now has me at record usage of 80 gb per day? Now I know for sure cox internet is LYING and Inflating customer gb usage...they are trying to inflate customer usage to gouge money from customers...I think cox internet users need to file a class action suit .I do not have Netflix or any streaming services... I did months ago but cancelled it all months ago... SO I NO LONGER STREAM ... COX COMMUNICATIONS INTERNET ARE LIARS PURE AND SIMPLE... ZERO DOUBT ON THAT... HOW CAN YOU BE USING 80 GB A DAY USING ZERO INTERNET??? MODEM OFF?? UN PLUGGED? IF ANYBODY ELSE HAS THIS ISSUE? LET'S GET A LAWYER AND FILE A CLASS ACTION SUIT.