Forum Discussion

Khalifa86's avatar
New Contributor
3 months ago


What on earth happened to cox wifi app? For some reason after the update we are unable to track which device are using the most data. The app only tells you your total data used per day. That’s not helpful at all. After 2 years all of a sudden my data usage went up drastically and I have no idea why or which device is causing it. Every cox representative said it’s not possible and I ended up finding it a year ago. You updated the app and now I can’t find it again. Your employees need better training. This is unacceptable.

Please click on the link above and fast forward to 1min into the video. You can clearly see the data usage per device. Now that tab is gone. Why ? How  are we suppose to manage our internet? Or is this just a way for cox to strong arm you into paying for unlimited data. Wish AT&T serviced summerlin. I’d switch immediately. Below is a screenshot in case cox representatives deny it ever had the feature 


2 Replies

  • Hi, Khalifa86 


    The Pano app, when configured, will show Time Spent. Each device must be assigned to a profile. I have viewed the video you shared, but do not see Data Usage mentioned. Network Activity refers to time spent and allows customers to manage the amount of time devices can use the internet. As an example, you could limit a child's screentime by device. 

    • Dan5982's avatar
      New Contributor

      It's there in the video clear as day. I am having the same issue.