Forum Discussion

Taffeys's avatar
New Contributor III
6 years ago

New spam filtering servers?

I understand that Cox implemented new spam filtering servers last week.

I have "No Spam filtering" enabled but am still receiving emails tagged as --SPAM--.

Why and how is this occurring?

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  • Taffeys's avatar
    New Contributor III

    So far today I have received three more tagged emails. So no one at Cox will answer? Same thing happened on the DSLReports Cox forum.

    • BrianM's avatar
      I asked around about this as mine is doing the same thing, this is actually working as intended. When you have it set to not filter anything, it will still come to the inbox but any mail that the filter detects as possible spam is still marked as spam as a way to let you know what would be blocked had you set it to to be sent to the spam folder or deleted prior to reaching the inbox. I used this setting previously on the old platform so I didn't think much of it when it continued with the new platform, but it looks to be a standard now with the new platform.

      Cox Support Forum Moderator
      • Taffeys's avatar
        New Contributor III

        Thank you for looking into this issue for me. Unfortunately, since the new spam filtering servers were implemented all the emails tagged as --SPAM-- were not and the servers have passed obvious spam and phishing undetected. This is just aggravation as I have protection at the gateway/router and client levels.