Forum Discussion

dylan123noe's avatar
New Contributor III
7 years ago

packet loss on fortnite

i am on the west servers of fortnite and have been getting packet loss of 1%-4% while in game, usually only last but 2 seconds but when it happens consistently it becomes an annoying problem that makes the game not enjoyable. I have done a ping plotter test to see where im losing my packets and the issue seems to be from an IP in florida, i've called cox and they said once it leaves their network after the 4th or 5th hop it's out of their hands. Just want to validate that statement as many here have also had my same issues. Also i've had a new panoramic TG1682 put in, all lines at my house tested and working fine, new line ran from house to pole and issue still here. 

  • BooPacketLoss's avatar
    New Contributor III

    An ISP as prominent as COX in the Southwest should never tell a customer that something like that is "out of their hands." They should coordinate with whatever server the packets are dropping at, they should coordinate with Amazon, they should coordinate with the game developers and exhaust every possible option they have to improve the experience for the subscribers who pay $100+ a month before they ever tell you that it's "out of their hands."

    • dylan123noe's avatar
      New Contributor III

      my only solution i've found for the issue is to use my phone and tether the internet or use a VPN. Both of which hurt my ping so it's a lose-lose unfortunately. I've pinpointed the issue to a server in boca raton florida that's where my packet loss comes into play but since it's not cox they say they can't do anything about it.

      • BooPacketLoss's avatar
        New Contributor III

        I actually bit the bullet and paid $30 to contact Amazon Web Services support and told them the same thing, hopefully something comes of it.

  • Hello guys, Henderson Las Vegas. About 6 weeks of constant Upload packet loss on fortnite and rocket league. Fortnite was 2% packet loss every 3 seconds with constant spikes to 5 . 10 and 20%. it was unplayable. I tried haste, killping , outfox, and expressvpn. Haste was the best option that brought the packet loss down and more manageable without increasing ping. It was still constant packet loss with rare disconnects but with no other options a free trial of haste is your best bet. CentLink just came and installed their box today/ Absolutely 0% packet loss clean as can be entire games. This was a cox issue guaranteed and its probably complex for cox to fix so ill be happy sticking with new place for a while/ 65 bucks for 100 down . good luck boys . hope this gives someone any help!

    • dylan123noe's avatar
      New Contributor III

      I would if AT&T wasn’t my only option. I filed a complaint with the FCC so hopefully with enough complaints they will remedy the issue. 

      • Becky's avatar
        Hi Dnoe, what is the address/IP of the Boca Raton, Florida, server you've identified as causing your packet loss? What AWS address/IP routes through this particular server in Boca Raton? -Becky, Cox Support Forums Moderator
  • daterrell's avatar
    New Contributor

    I'm getting the same thing and have been graphing my latency to my default gateway (Cox-owned, obviously), just this morning I was getting up to 90% loss, near-complete outage that would last anywhere from 2-10 seconds.  The last 3 hours has averaged 4.3% loss.  The same occurs at night (9pm-1am PT), I play Overwatch and the ping graph in-game looks like a sine wave.  Very frustrating.

    • Becky's avatar
      Hi Daterrell, I'm not seeing any packet loss, however; your modem is showing an unusually high number of T3 errors. I suggest a service call so an on-site technician can determine what is causing the signal noise. -Becky, Cox Support Forums Moderator
      • daterrell's avatar
        New Contributor

        Hi Becky, good to know there's something you DO see on your end, I'll call to schedule service after next week.  There have been a ton of trucks in my neighborhood lately, possibly other neighbors having similar issues, possibly anything else.

        However, as I said, I've been monitoring packets just to my gateway (see the image below, also a 1.5-2hr outage last night confirmed by another neighbor).  A one-off test of my line is unlikely to show you any packet loss unless you're looking during what I call "the witching hour" of 9pm-1am PT.  Like clockwork, especially these past few days, that's when I experience PL and lag.  Naturally, that's also when I'm trying to play latency-sensitive games.

        Last night wasn't so terrible, but it still occurred.

        In case anyone is wondering, I use a program called SmokePing to generate these graphs (

  • Unfortunately, I am still getting this issue. This has been happening for over a year with me, 90% + upload packet loss on Fortnite. 10 Cox technicians later still no help :/

    • SilverApple42's avatar
      New Contributor

      Not just fortnite, multiple games such as Overwatch and Rocket League