Forum Discussion

VerK's avatar
New Contributor III
3 years ago

Tired of slow speeds in your area? File a complaint with the F.C.C.!

If you are like me and are sick of the slow internet speeds, not getting even close to what you pay for, endless tech visits and no end in sight then simply visit the link below. Fill out the complaint form and file your complaint with the F.C.C.

I've had technicians come out, new lines, new cables, new equipment, change speeds/plans, upgraded to Docsis 3.0, signal resets, and my speeds are STILL slow. I actually managed to clock a 0.00Mbps upload speed today. Cox deserves an award for that. And yet, they still say "our network shows no issues, have you tried resetting the modem?" 

We all know Cox's infrastructure in some areas just cant handle the traffic. What's their solution? Sign more new customers and add to the already overflowing network! YES! Brilliant! We all know Nodes work best when overloaded. They seemed determined to avoid admitting they are throttling speeds and their infrastructure is in shambles.

File a complaint with the F.C.C. and put the pressure on Cox. What they are doing is criminal and we deserve to get what we pay for.

It takes 5 minutes and may actually get something done for you. We all need to do this asap.