Forum Discussion

normj's avatar
New Contributor
2 years ago

Tree trimming needed

I contacted Cox to have them come out and trim the trees away from their cable line that runs along the street from pole to pole. The person that came out wasn't even aware that the large black line on the bottom tier of the poles was the cable line. He then said that they didn't trim trees. He might not trim trees, as he wasn't equipped to do so, but that's what I asked in my service request. Now who do I contact? I see no phone number to reach and talk verbally to a real live human anywhere.

  • WiderMouthOpen's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor

    Have you tried contacting your town hall or looking in the yellow pages online? Are the trees on your property or public/town property?

    • normj's avatar
      New Contributor

      The tree is on my property, but the lines are in the right-of-way for utilities, and these tree have periodically been trimmed by someone (not me) over the years now and then.

      • WiderMouthOpen's avatar
        Esteemed Contributor

        I can't imagine Cox would have a special department just for tree trimming. It would need to be a special department with specific tools and training. My guess is your town is doing it. Cox doesn't even own the poles. When I lived on a main road I know the town handled all the street trimming similar to snow plowing. Maybe they are just a little behind this year?

  • We have a situation like that where I live.   They repair the line over and over agaian but leave the tree.  I guess it's job security to let the tree break the line.   Its near a power company pole so I guess there are plenty safety issues they would have to work out.

    • Darkatt's avatar
      Honored Contributor

      Could be, or maybe they are waiting for someone's tree to cause enough damage to bill the owner for not taking care of their property and allowing it to damage someone else's property?