Forum Discussion

ZapperOne's avatar
New Contributor III
12 months ago

Why do COX "moderators" lock discussions they don't like they way they are going for COX?

I just had a COX moderator lock down a discussion {and had the nerve to mark my questions as 'solved') when COX could not provide me as a paying customer a fix to a problem I am experiencing with COX wifi.

What's the point of having open discsussion with moderators like that being allowed to exist?

  • Hi Please let me know which thread this was so it can be reviewed.

    Greg P

    Cox Forums Moderator

    • ZapperOne's avatar
      New Contributor III

      Hi Greg,

      My original post, that is still unresolved, in that "some" modeators are providing good answers to pursue and investigate regarding the apparent option that I can exchange my current router for an improved model, possibly.... is titled:

      "How do I change the WiFi channels in the Panoramic Gateway, re range and latency issues?

      I appreciate any help, but kinda strange that some who provided answers that don't solve the problem can lock a thread when their ill suited answers don't help.  Really?

  • Hi ZapperOne, 

    I have reopened the thread to allow replies. It appears one of the other moderators believed the issue was resolved with several responses indicating that it is not currently possible to change channels like this on the Cox panoramic wifi modem. I have submitted feedback that will go to our engineers and team that decided not to allow our customers to make this change.

    Greg P

    Cox Forums Moderator

    • ZapperOne's avatar
      New Contributor III


      Thanks for your help, but it's still marked as "solved" when it is not.

      Can you fix that please?

  • Hi Zapper One,

    The converstion shoud be all set. 

    Greg P

    Cox Forums Moderator