Forum Discussion

ChrisB's avatar
Community Manager
2 months ago

Yahoo Email Transition - Links & Resources

Hi All,

We've pulled together a list of the most helpful threads you've posted related to the email move to Yahoo. Thanks to our community members for sharing your tips and tricks!

Also, just a quick note, not all customers and email accounts are being transitioned at the same time.  You will receive emails from Cox in advance to let you know about your email moving to Yahoo. When your email is ready to make the move, you will receive an email from Yahoo with instructions on how to do so. 

If you have multiple email addresses, each of them will receive their own individual instructions when they are ready to move.

On to the Topics!

MacMail - Yahoo Email Setup as documented by tkaz 

MacOS Mail App Setup as documented by @Lyndonb95

Outlook 365 Setup for Mac Users as documented by tkaz 

Yahoo Email Transition - iPhone Setup as documented by MangoMan 

Check Here if You're Missing Folders in Outlook, discussion by SteveK08 

Thunderbird Settings as documented by Waleee

In addition to the threads above, be sure to check out


20 Replies

  • patouchet's avatar
    New Contributor II

    Thank you Chris,

     This the best collection of topics and [more importantly for me] the most concise description of what to expect from the move. Cox failed to inform me of the process 1st of all, then I received the hi-jacked link; but nothing really informative. Kudos to you and anyone who helped with this. My Outlook 2019 still unusable, but now I've got enough to try that later.

    • JulianN's avatar

      Hello, I am very sorry you have not had the best experience with Cox. I understand how important communication and reliable service is. We value your business, and I would be happy to help. Please email us your “full” name, “complete” address, and a copy of your post to for further assistance. Thank you!

      • SteveG1's avatar
        New Contributor II


        I believe that the technical issues are only a part of the problem folks are experiencing. The larger problem here is that COX has dumped our email service off to a second rate provider that wants to charge us for technical support and cox technical support has simply abandoned their former customers. In addition, Yahoo's online service blocks part of our viewing area with adds (unless you pay extra to get rid of them) and has limitations and performance issues that we never had with Cox. After doing a little research I also see that Yahoo has a history of massive data breaches and is considered one of the most hacked email service providers. Based on how COX has handled this transition I have totally lost faith in COX as a service provider. I am currently evaluating other service providers for my remaining Internet, phone, and cable TV needs. I no longer trust COX.

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  • SteveG1's avatar
    New Contributor II

    Thank you for this.

    There is another issue that Outlook users may face. . Yahoo limits the number of items in an Outlook folder to 10,000. Beyond 10,000 they will not download/synch any remaining items. As an example, before I transitioned to Yahoo I had over 28,000 items in my Outlook inbox folder for my COX email account. After transitioning and synching with Yahoo, that same folder only had 10,000 items. Logging on to Yahoo directly I verified that all of those emails where still there, but it would only put 10,000 into my Outlook inbox folder. To resolve this problem, I had to create multiple new folders within Outlook for my COX email account and drag thousands of emails from my inbox over into those folders taking care to not exceed 10,000 for any one folder. This required multiple rounds of moving emails, forcing a synch with Yahoo to get more emails into my inbox (which was really slow), and then rinse and repeat until my fully synched inbox was less than 10,000. This was a royal pain in the rear and took quite some time to accomplish. After doing some research I found that Yahoo has known about, and often denied, this issue for years. Yahoo is not exactly what I would call a top tier provider.

    • Anesti33's avatar

      Have you considered cleaning out stuff you don't need.

      Beyond quota issues, you're already having severe performance impact. You've also built a high-risk trove of information to plunder if anyone gains unauthorized access.

      • SteveG1's avatar
        New Contributor II

        Yes, I have cleaned those files, but I have 20 years worth of email that I want to retain. The performance issue was never a problem before the transition, but that changed when using Yahoo. Synching with Yahoo has been much slower. To avoid that problem my non-inbox folders are treated as data and I do not synch them with Yahoo after the initial population. As far as the security issue goes you always need to assume that if you get hacked you are pretty well screwed. So firewalls, VPNs, appropriate antivirus/malware software, password management, and good security awareness procedures are a must. Most people don't realize just how much personal data can be gleaned from the average PC. So am I invulnerable? Of course not. My really sensitive files are on an external drive that gets disconnected after each use. CISM here.

  • EricinAZ's avatar
    New Contributor

    Now that Cox doesn't control the email services and Yahoo does, does that mean that the accounts won't be deleted if any of us decides to use an Internet provider other than Cox? I'm really getting sick of Cox trying to force mobile down all of our throats just to get a promotional deal, so it is a possibility.

  • Duane_W's avatar
    New Contributor

    I received my Yahoo email notice last night, which was the last email I got through my MS Outlook. Cox and Yahoo have totally cut off my access to email through Outlook. I followed the Yahoo online instructions to transition my Cox email to Yahoo email and it failed. I use SMTP and my changes match exactly the Yahoo instructions.

    And to top it off, Yahoo wants to charge me for assistance…

  • HRAnderson's avatar
    New Contributor

    I need help setting up in Windows Mail, which is run by Outlook, but is definitely not the same as regular Outlook.  It's been over a week since my mail was moved over to Yahoo and I haven't been able to successfully set it up.  I followed the general instructions and it ended in a complete cluster****.  Please don't abandon your customers now.  

    • RaquelD's avatar

      Hello, I apologize that you are having difficulty with your email on Windows Mail. I'd like to help. When you have a moment, can you please email with name, address, and link to forum thread. If you need help with billing or other account specific issues, please reach us on Twitter at @CoxHelp, visit us on Facebook, or at

  • Roxywa's avatar
    New Contributor

    My Cox transitioned just fine for one exception: because my husband's name is on the Cox account, all my Yahoo emails I send say they are from Mark. I can't find a way to fix it on Yahoo. How do I fix this?

    • bat1024's avatar
      New Contributor

      You can change the name.  Tap in the name and a box should appear allowing you to change the name.

  • Cndyshops2's avatar
    New Contributor II


    I received one email with instructions and links to switch my email over to Yahoo. I’m have an issue with all the personal information being asked for. 
    social security number, credit card with pin, bank routing information, etc.  Why is this necessary or is it a scam? I’ve had my three Cox email addresses for almost 40 years so you can imagine I’m a little upset with this change. 

    • ColleenD's avatar


      Thanks for your post. It sounds like the email you received is fraudulent, as your personal information and credit card are not needed for the transition. 

      As long as you can still sign in at and see your inbox, your email has not transitioned. When it does, when you sign in at instead of your inbox, you will see an announcement that your mailbox has moved and be directed to the Yahoo mail page. 



      • Cndyshops2's avatar
        New Contributor II

        Thank you Colleen. I will keep checking for the transition.