Forum Discussion

HSmith's avatar
New Contributor
6 years ago

Trying to contact Cox about eliminating some services

I am having a difficult time contacting Cox, using this number 844-227-3943.

My husband is in assisted living now and I need to cut back on some of our bills.  Want to eliminate some of the premier channels that I don't have time to watch anyway.

I have heard that, even when services are eliminated, your bill seldom goes down and in some cases goes up.

I seriously need to talk to someone about getting this bill reduced.

What do I do?

  • KevinM2's avatar
    Former Moderator
    Hi Hsmith, we'd be glad to go over your billing details in greater detail, and see what we can do about eliminating services. To get started, please feel free to email us at We can also be reached on Twitter and Facebook as well. -Kevin