Does MoCA work if we use our own modem?
I have been researching newer mesh networking systems for a few days now and think I've landed on the Asus XT12 or ET12. Currently I am using a Netgear CM1000 modem (1gb) and the Netgear XR500 gaming router. Both are 5+ years old now and I'm looking for an upgrade. I currently subscribe to 1gb cable with cable phone line as well, but no tv services. The phone line is actually driven by a Cisco modem that belongs to Cox so need to mention that as well. I was originally set to buy the XT12 system that uses 5ghz-2 between the two mesh units for the backhaul but kept seeing people mentioning hard wiring it with a MoCA connection. Soooo I started down that rabbit hole a bit today and initially got excited with the potential of very high speeds at both points in my house. THEN I decided to Google cox communications compatibility and see lots of posts stating the Cox disables MoCA multiple times a day on people. Would I have to worry about Cox interfering with my simply boosting my Internet speeds on an extender? If not, do I need to do anything special to get this work as effectively as possible? I game a LOT on Xbox Series X, PS5, have a gaming PC etc and need to keep lag/latency as low as possible.