Forum Discussion

andyholt33's avatar
New Contributor
5 years ago

Gigablast is not adding up.

Good Afternoon All,

I had recently upgraded from the very basic internet to the gigablast plan expecting to not have any issues with browsing, discord chatting, and gaming. I was wrong! Connection drops off multiple times daily! Doesn't matter what time, I can't even play an online game without being disconnected halfway through a match. Friends always cannot hear me because I sound like a "robot". I have port forwarded for Destiny 2 and even discord and briefly experienced smoother connection. Until lately, which has just been atrocious. I am using the cox provided panoramic modem router and have contemplated upgrading to a third party modem and router separately. Cox is the only service in my area and I feel SOL. Please help, I feel like I'm getting completely ripped off here.



  • KevinM2's avatar
    Former Moderator
    Hello, I am detecting tremendous packet loss on your modem at the moment. Can you please make sure there are no loose or damaged connections in the home? This includes any splitters, boosters, or amplifiers you may have as well. It may be best to send out a service technician to address this further, as packet loss can cause slow upload speeds and intermittent connectivity. Please feel free to reach out to us at, Facebook, or Twitter for additional support. -Kevin M. Cox Support Forum Moderator
    • andyholt33's avatar
      New Contributor

      A tech came by today and replaced my modem. Still experiencing same issues, seems to me cox can't uphold the service they advertise.

      • KevinM2's avatar
        Former Moderator
        Hello, it appears the technician performed work at the demarcation point (where outside wiring meets your inside wiring), and also brought the outlet up to specifications. Are you able to hard-wire a PC or laptop to the modem and perform a hard-wired speed test for us? Please feel free to share the results here or reach out to us privately. I have pinged your modem several times, and I'm not seeing any packet loss at the moment. Additionally, your modem levels appear to be within the normal range. -Kevin M. Cox Support Forum Moderator