2 years agoNew Contributor
Netgear CM1200 Firmware Updates
I have been on the phone with support from both Cox and Netgear for about 5 hours today. I have been inquiring about Cox upgrading to the latest firmware for the Netgear CM1200 modem. Cox tells me that I can update the firmware through Netgear, and Netgear clearly states that my ISP, Cox, is responsible for updating the firmware. I basically got an answer from a Cox support manager, that Cox doesn't update 3rd party modem for the simple fact that they want their customers to rent their proprietary modem/routers which are garbage.
Cox, you need to request the latest firmware from Netgear and then push it out to all of those modems. If I could change to an ISP that actually cared about the consumers that spend money for their service I would.