Forum Discussion

quasibrain's avatar
New Contributor II
4 years ago

No internet after cox contractor at my place. Customer support says modem is my problem

After IDA we lost our internet service. The service was restored after one week, Sunday 9/5/21. Today a cox contractor was on our property running new cable on the power poles. They left a bundle of cable leaning against the power pole and told my wife that someone from Cox would have to come and make the connection on the pole. Prior to their work today the internet service was working. After the work, no service. I called Cox customer support and explained. Their response is that they show active signal to my house and that I should have my modem checked. Here's a photo of the cable next to pole.


I can not express how utterly frustrated I am with Cox service. In addition our upload speeds are rarely as advertised. I have complained and complained and complained with the FCC. They never improve their infrastructure. As others have mentioned Cox is the only high speed service in my area so they do not give a ***.

Another very dissatisfied customer!!!!

  • VerK's avatar
    New Contributor III

    I feel your pain. I have the same issue with the upload speeds. They throttle them during peak times because their infrastructure cannot handle it any longer. They need to upgrade the network and allow for more traffic. I see the complaints all over the internet so I can't imagine Cox isn't aware of the dissatisfaction with a vast majority of their customer base. The fact that they know how upset people are, have the FCC on their back and continue to do nothing really chaps my a s s. I would imagine a Class action lawsuit isn't far behind. 

    • quasibrain's avatar
      New Contributor II

      I think a law suit may be the only way to motivate them to improve their network. My guess is most people do not notice the reduced upload speeds. As long as the video streaming services are working well then they are satisfied. 

      • Allan's avatar
        @Quasibrain, I recommend sending us an email with your full address and a brief description of this concern to -Allan, Cox Support Forums Moderator.
  • quasibrain's avatar
    New Contributor II

    Still no internet at my house since Saturday 9/11/2021. Cox said a technician would come Sunday 9/12. No one came. Then they said one would come Monday 9/13. No one came. Then they said one would come today 9/14. No one came. No call to notify that no one would come. Again tonight I called customer service and asked to speak to a supervisor. They promised me that a technician would come tomorrow. I just don't understand how this level of customer service can exist.

  • quasibrain's avatar
    New Contributor II

    Still no internet today. The supervisor I spoke to last night promised me that a technician would come today. No one came or called. 

    • quasibrain's avatar
      New Contributor II

      Just got off a 30 minute call where the service person told me that a technician was not scheduled to go to my house today but is scheduled for tomorrow. I asked to speak to a supervisor again. The tech said the supervisor did not authorize the call transfer. Again I explained that I had spoken to a supervisor last night 9/14 who promised me that a technician would come today on 9/15. He then chatted by computer for a few minutes with the supervisor and then came back and said he would transfer the call to a supervisor. When he transferred the call a recording came on stating that the office was closed and the line went dead. I do not know what else to do.

      • CurtB's avatar
        Valued Contributor III

        Cox sends an email notification in advance of pending service calls.   If you didn't receive that email, your appointment was probably never scheduled.  After failing to get a service call by phone multiple times, it might be time to try something different.  Contact, as Allan recommended 18 hours ago, and ask them to verify you have a service call scheduled for tomorrow.  You will at least have documentation of your communication.  Include your name, the full service address and a link to this Forum thread.

    • JonathanJ's avatar
      Former Moderator

      I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused. Please email me at with your service address and name as this will allow us to locate your Cox account and proceed with having this matter addressed.

      Jonathan J
      Cox Moderator
      • quasibrain's avatar
        New Contributor II

        I did email yesterday and provide my name and service address. Here is the response:

        I'm very sorry to hear that you haven't had a technician out to the residence yet. I have pulled up the account and notice there is a work order for a technician to come to the home on the 16th to fix this for you.

        Thank you,


        Cox Social Media Support Specialist

        No technician called, emailed, or came today 9/16. We have been calling since last Saturday and have been told every day that someone will come tomorrow.