Regular Download Speeds, limited to no upload speed.... any idea?
Okay, so here comes a very interesting problem. 2 days ago, my internet started acting up. When I ran a wireless speed test I was getting about 290mbps download (normal) then only getting .2mbps upload. It has been causing issues with my TV, computer, gaming, etc. I then thought maybe my router was acting up, so i disconnected my router and plugged in directly to the modem. Same results. Then, maybe it was the modem right? After talking with cox and 4 representatives later they told me to get a newer modem (even though the SB6190 is on their approved devices). I went to my cox store and picked up a modem for rent. Went home, plugged it in, same thing. I firmly believe it has something to with the physical line or the signals they sent or didn't send to my modem. I saw a COX van parked in front of my apartment a couple days ago. Is there something I can do while I wait for the tech to come out? I pay for 300 down and 30 up (i believe the up is 30), but i am receiving .2 for upload and the highest I have seen it cap at was like 4.5. Please help if possible.