Forum Discussion

MacIsThe1's avatar
New Contributor III
7 years ago

Webmail Login Phoenix, AZ 2018

Try as I might, I still do not have smooth running WebMail in Phoenix, AZ.  I still get a page telling me it is not accessible fairly frequently and when it does let me in, it is painfully slow.

I have tried all the remedies that have been suggested by Cox, including patting my head and rubbing my belly at the same time, and still no improvement.

At this point, Cox should just admit that WebMail is a very messed up e-mail platform or give us detailed specific instructions on how we can fix it ourselves.

Please give me the specific URL to access WebMail in my area as well as any settings for Windows 10 and Google Chrome I should be using, detailed and specific.

Whoever is heading up the WebMail portion of your business maybe shouldn't be doing it anymore.

27 Replies

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  • MacIsThe1's avatar
    New Contributor III

    Is anyone's webmail working better today (5/24/18)?  If so, which access address are you using?

    • cpcii's avatar
      New Contributor II

      Not through their email interface for me, when i was poking around in it the other day, I did tell the tech  that an issue was an invalid/expired certificate for the site and that is what kept it from loading.

      • ColleenD's avatar
        The trouble with was resolved. If you are still having trouble, please let us know what web address you are using to sign in. If you are using a bookmark, please visit and click Learn then Cox Email and sign in there. -ColleenD -Cox Support Forums Moderator
    • LisaH's avatar
      Hi. Try using and log into there. Please let us know if this works. Thanks, Lisa - Cox Support Forums Moderator
      • MacIsThe1's avatar
        New Contributor III

        Using took me to sign-in page.  This page looks different than the "west" page.  Looks rougher and temporary.  Also takes a long time to finish loading because of an advertisment trying to load.  This page works less than half the time.

  • MacIsThe1's avatar
    New Contributor III

    Using Windows 10 and logging into Cox e-mail from Chrome browser.  I start at  It then switches to and starts to load.  Before completely loading, I briefly see another screen that says Cox Productions with login (looks like a developers login page) at but then disappears quickly and continues on with  If e-mail opens, it is at  When I logout of Cox e-mail, it take me to and hangs up for awhile trying to load advertisements.  On occasion, it will stop at the developers login page at but won't accept my name and password (so start over again).

    Are any of the Moderators on here technical or ever helpful?  I think they work from a script for the most part.  A good Moderator will take this info to someone who is technical and not leave until they have a solution to pass on to us.

    Right now, my belief is that nobody is actually working on Cox E-mail to make it work correctly because it has been deemed last priority.  Instead they are working on new offerings that generate the most revenue from customers.  WebMail does NOT generate revenue from customers.

    • MacIsThe1's avatar
      New Contributor III

      Thank you.  That page is a support page named "Forbidden" saying "Page Not Found" and has links to other Cox pages.  It's not an e-mail sign-in page.  One of the links takes you to an e-mail sign-in page but it was the same one suggested by   above the first time I clicked it.  The second time it took me to  which is the one I'm using currently.  Probably picked that page from my computer.

      I can get into my WebMail using or or but only about half the time.  The other half it either just hangs up or goes to that "not accessible" page.  When I do get in, it's pretty slow.

      Obviously, WebMail is not a big money maker for Cox except for some advertising.  I can see why it's their last priority.  Maybe a privately owned family business is unable to attract the talent required to make them a world class provider.  Or maybe they don't want to pay for world class talent.

      • stinkfoot63's avatar
        Contributor II

        I can confirm that the page is a "forbidden" or missing resource... but at least they are varying how they keep the money farm occupied while they diligently and aggressively do nothing

  • I have the same problem. About 50% of the time I am able to access my Cox webmail. I would like an answer from Cox and a fix to this problem. Instead of trying to sell me more of your product, can we fix what I have first?

  • I have the same problem. About 50% of the time I am able to access my Cox webmail. I would like an answer from Cox and a fix to this problem. Instead of trying to sell me more of your product, can we fix what I have first?

    • CarolLM's avatar
      Former Moderator
      Hi there, a bit ago Cox updated their email server settings and it's necessary for all customers to update this information on each of their devices. I'm including a link to that information, In the upper right-hand corner, you'll want to change it to your location (i.e. city, state). I hope this helps. -Thanks, Carol
      • MacIsThe1's avatar
        New Contributor III

        Looks like more jumping through hoops.  Will this improve access?  Doesn't say it will.  If it is so important I'll wait for their "Last Chance" letter or e-mail.

        I don't use an e-mail client other that Cox WebMail.  I did correct my location in the form.  One of the FAQ's said after Jan. 2018 you won't be able to send or receive e-mail anymore.  This is May 2018 I believe.


  • Genthar's avatar
    New Contributor III

    It's not just Phoenix.  Having trouble in San Diego as well.  They seem to be having issues with their webmail servers...again...

    idm.east, idm.west, myemail.cox, webmail.cox, they all either fail, or hang.

    • JonathanJ's avatar
      Former Moderator

      There was a known issue access webmail in California 5/22/23 and the issue has been resolved.

      Cox support moderator

      • MacIsThe1's avatar
        New Contributor III

        When will Arizona be fixed?  Right now in the Phoenix area Cox is trying to get all customers to install new equipment and an indoor (in your house) box of some sort for your digital landline PHONE.  Very pushy and threatening!  Just another reason why fixing WebMail is a low priority.


        Oh and what does 5/22/23 mean?

    • Genthar's avatar
      New Contributor III

      And no, it's not a password issue, nor a settings issue on my end.