Forum Discussion

Lini's avatar
New Contributor II
6 years ago

Everything Recorded is Gone! :(

We woke up this morning to everything on DVR gone. My husband called this morning and was told that it had something to do with an error in a code on certain boxes and that more than likely, it's all gone forever.

I'm very curious to know if what we were told was the truth and also if it's happened to anyone else today?

3 Replies

  • Hi Lini, Cox is working to resolve the issue of missing recordings. Many customers with this issue report error code XRE-03096. We do not yet know if the missing recordings are recoverable. I'm so sorry that I don't have better news! You may be able to view the episodes of shows you missed via On DEMAND, the network's website, or the corresponding network app. You may also need to set up scheduled series recordings again. -Becky, Cox Support Forums Moderator
    • Lini's avatar
      New Contributor II

      Becky, thank you for this information. I pay $160 a month, and to hear that "they're working on it" when it's happened many times over the course of years, is very disconcerting.

      I know it's not you but I am now questioning whether to stay with Cox.

      Again, thank you.

      • suprgrl007's avatar
        New Contributor

        I agree with you, this is ** I pay $170 a month. In the last two days 12 shows I recorded did not record. I literally just updated my equipment,  this shouldn't be happening. I'm ready to go to direct tv