Contour TV app on the iPad
I've been using the Contour app on my new 10th gen iPad for a few weeks now and have run across a few nagging problems.
1. Micro audio dropouts in channels like CNN, MSNBC, and CNBC, particularly noticeable when listening through headphones, occurring every minute or two if not more frequently, during the program itself and commercials. I had the same problem years ago with YouTube TV, but they were able to reproduce it, and they fixed it. When they occur in recordings, they are reproducible by skipping back and replaying. When watching South Park on Comedy Central, when the show goes to commercial and vice versa, the first moment of the audio glitches just about every time.
2. Watching Live TV, e.g. CNN, video will freeze while audio keeps playing. Screen eventually dims, goes black, and playback stops. Fix: Stop and restart playback.
3. The bottom row of the guide is mostly hidden by the app's action bar (Home, Live TV, My library, and Browse buttons). For my Favorites set, I had to add an unwanted channel to the end to ensure the last of my favorites is visible.