Forum Discussion

tkat912's avatar
New Contributor
2 years ago

Is COX internet required to use apps like Netflix through the contour box?

Currently have internet, cable and phone through Cox. Going to cancel internet service over slow up speeds and data limits. 

If I cancel internet through Cox, then will I still be able to use apps like Netflix or Prime etc through the contour box? 

I can't find anywhere in settings on the contour box to input a different wireless network.

I asked (what I thought was a simple question) to a chat person. Do I have to have Cox internet to use apps on the contour box.

She suggested that I tell the smart tv about the new wifi network and the contour box would get the information from the tv because the "contour box and the tv are connected with wires."

Any opinions or insights would be greatly appreciated so I can prepare accordingly. Thanks!

    • tkat912's avatar
      New Contributor

      Yes, I’m having Wyyred fiber installed this week. 600Mpbs *both* up and down. No data limits. All for the same price as Cox. I’ll have to look at an AppleTV or use the smart tv functions. Thanks for your reply.

  • Bruce's avatar
    Honored Contributor III

    Although your Contour box is connected to the TV distribution network (separate from Internet), you will need Internet service with Cox to use an app on the Contour box.

    Streaming programs is from an Internet source.  Cox measures your Internet data use.  Although your request to stream from Contour is over the TV distribution network, Cox needs to measure your Internet data use when you stream on an app with Contour.  Cox can't measure your use if you don't have an Internet account, so the app on Contour wouldn't connect.

      • Bruce's avatar
        Honored Contributor III

        All apps use the Internet.  If you select a program from the Program Guide of a cable-box, the data is not metered.  An app, however, is metered.

    • tkat912's avatar
      New Contributor

      Thank you. Why couldn’t the chat support person know this. 

  • Darkatt's avatar
    Honored Contributor

    Yes, Cox internet is required to use app on a contour box, because the internet is provided  by a modem inside the box, and the modem is on the cox cable system. If you want to use app on another internet service, you will have to use them on a spart tv, or a firestick. 

      • Bruce's avatar
        Honored Contributor III

        If you do this, you'll see the DOCSIS stuff.

        • On the remote, hold down Exit for 5 seconds
        • Press Down arrow 2 times
        • Press 2 on keypad

        (This kinda confuses Contour but eventually its diagnostic page will load)

        • Highlight System
        • On remote, press OK
        • Highlight DOCSIS
  • JORDAN33's avatar
    New Contributor II

    Cox com is the worst company ever. Scam folks outta their money.  They're online streaming third party apps have to have Cox internet Wi-Fi? Are you kidding me? You people suck! Cox Wi-Fi sucks so bad I had to cancel it because it didn't work and now I can't even watch my streaming channels?! I'll be canceling my cable and going full streaming. You suck cocks