Forum Discussion

Michael_Evancoe's avatar
New Contributor III
6 years ago

(GAMING) We need a plan of action — Upstream Packet Loss (COX Com ISP)

Hey all, for those unaware, explanation of issue at end of post.

Many of us are struggling with extreme amounts of packet loss through COX, we need to come up with some sort of plan for action.

Some ideas (And I’m completely serious here):

  1. Coordinate time to peacefully protest at their corporate office

  2. As a group, continually post on their forum

  3. Anytime a COX truck is seen, pull up and chat with the techs to remind them of the issue (individual rather than group task)

  4. Coordinate FCC complaint for viral effect

  5. Class action lawsuit (Does anyone know if we can sue considering repeal of net neutrality laws?  It is clear that COX is violating their own prerogative of following the old rules)

I’m sure there are many competitive gamers on COX who would coordinate with us. Any Amazon AWS game experiences this packet loss. Additionally, many of us don’t have the option of switching ISPs.

This issue has been ongoing for roughly a year with no signs of being solved. This issue is affecting MANY players.

Very interested to hear your thoughts 🙏

Explanation of issue: Most COX Com subscribers experience massive amounts of upstream packet loss while playing games that use Amazon’s AWS servers. One of the most notable effects is (in Fortnite) often times your first shot with any shotgun does not register, however, you see the hit marks. Roughly ~1/8 of shots don’t register. The issue has been ongoing for a year, and COX has shown no effort to solve. They’ll charge you $70 for a tech to come out who can’t diagnose the problem (as the problem is deep within COXs routing mechanisms). Competitive gaming on COX is extremely discouraging, and many of us can’t switch ISPs for whatever reason (bandwidth etc).

  • Michael_Evancoe's avatar
    New Contributor III

    I am currently collecting contact information for local and national press, I believe they'd bite at a good story about net neutrality violations.

  • LVbrokeninterne's avatar
    New Contributor II

    I have this exact problem.  Gaming is my favorite hobby.  Everything Michael has said is true for me.  I play Fortnite too, along with other games, and there are so many instances where things I do don't register on the server.  It puts us all at a disadvantage when playing competitively.  I'd like to do whatever I can to help get Cox to do something because the upload packet loss is seriously making me a miserable person.

  • roy3805's avatar
    New Contributor II

    I have the same problem I’m getting terrible packet loss on both upstream and downstream.. Cox Network is a joke

    • StephanieS's avatar

      I've run several ping tests on your equipment this morning and I'm not able to see any packet loss. Please run a speed test for me and let me know what sort of results you're getting. Thanks!

      • roy3805's avatar
        New Contributor II

        I am getting good speeds! Its just when gaming im getting 1-5% packetloss on download and upload on fortnite. The only way to fix it is to run a Speedify VPN while playing.

    • Michael_Evancoe's avatar
      New Contributor III

      Happy about this.

      Will say though, kinda sad Epic is having to change their coding because COX can't provide a stable connection to Amazon EC2

      • Morgan1982's avatar
        Contributor II

        I was excited for this recent uldate but it was 8.01v not the 8.1v we are waiting for! Ill be back here when that update gets pushed out

  • mil79's avatar
    New Contributor II

    Same issue here (specifically with Ring).  It's very frustrating as it just started happening around 1/15 and only with specific applications.  I use to have a VPN to test things like this but I cannot anymore.  Here's an old thread from blizzard I was part of when it was fixed before.

    If I can help at all let me know.

  • KevinM2's avatar
    Former Moderator
    Hi Michal, we'd be glad to take a look at your account in greater detail, and we are only able to investigate and escalate issues found on the Cox network. If you have traceroutes or other diagnostic info showing connectivity issues on the Cox network, please feel free to post them here or email us at In regards to data usage, Netforecast is an independent third-party that has also tested the Cox meter for accuracy. Here is a link with information regarding how different online activities impact data usage.

    -Kevin M. Cox Support Forum Moderator