Forum Discussion

Dalton_Kramer's avatar
New Contributor
7 years ago

Internet upload speeds is unbearably slow a night time.

So I have been a Cox customer for over a year now and I haven't had any issues with this company ever in my life, but that all of the sudden changed pretty drastically over the past couple of months. We pay for 100mbps download and 10mbps upload. Usually we get these speeds if not better every single day. However, at night time, our download is dropping to around 20mbps which is actually fine with me, I have used much worse download speeds in the past and made it work just fine, but the upload, oh boy the upload, it drops to around 0.2-0.7. Yeah you read that right. This is an extreme issue for me because I do a ton of gaming, and most of that is done at night since I work and go to school during the days. The reason this affects gaming so drastically is because it introduces a ton of input lag making it seem like I have an incredibly high latency when I dont at all. My latency averages around 19ms but I will unable to play due to such a long response time. Almost every single night at around 10-10:30 pm the internet drops from its regular speeds down to the ones I listed. I have called at least 3-4 times regarding this issue, and the response is always the same. I had a tech who was supposed to come out the other day but I had to cancel due to the fear of being charged the 75 dollar service fee, which I am certain I would have been charged for because this problem only happens after 10 and he was supposed to come between 5-7. Honestly this problem is getting out of hand for me. Has anyone else ever had an issue like this with Cox before? I hadn't had any issues until after the whole net neutrality thing happened, and im not saying thats what this is, but it's sure funny to me. 

  • DataCapsStink's avatar
    New Contributor II

    You should also keep an eye on your data usage. 

    Every Cox internet plan has a tiny monthly data cap of 1024 GB. 

    If you are gaming every night and someone else is streaming Netflix or backing up to a cloud service, you will start seeing $10 charges for every 50gb over the 1024gb limit.

    Even people on Gigablast 1Gbps internet have the same data plan. 

    But don't worry, it will be fun watching your home internet usage just like you do for your cell phone plan. Right? 

  • Hi Christian,

    I am sorry to hear of your service issues. Please send us an email to with your service address so we can look into your issue. Be sure to include the link to this thread and if you experience the speed issue on multiple sites or one in particular.
    We look forward to hearing from you soon.

  • Hey Dalton,

    yeah i am a gamer myself and i have been experiencing really slow speeds at night. I had 300 down 35 up and had no issues at all, but i just recently upgraded to gigablast and my speeds are awful through out the day but more noticeably at night  

  • Hello,

    I am not able to reach the modem from our side. Are there any splitters or signal amps connected to the cable line going to the modem?


    Allan - Cox Support Forums Moderator.