Forum Discussion

VerK's avatar
New Contributor III
4 years ago

TERRIBLE upload speeds! Major packet loss!

What in the heck is going on with the upload speeds since after hurricane Ida? I am getting less than 1.75Mbps on a consistent basis. I pay for Gigabit internet with up to 35Mbps upload. I am located in the City of Central, Louisiana (Just outside of Baton Rouge). Currently using a Netgear CM1000v2 and an Asus RT-ACRH13 router. Running tests via desktop connect via ethernet. I have tested while having the desktop connected to only the modem via ethernet as well as from modem to router to pc. Also tested via wifi on pc and phone. All tests net same result, horrible upload speeds and major packet loss! The down and up speeds are up and down and in and out. I am decently familiar with how the basics of internet work. New modem and new router. New CAT7 cables. I am also having serious packet loss! This is clearly something on Cox's end. I've been through the typical scripts with customer service and they always say they see no packet loss and no outages or issues on their end. I am inclined not to believe them. I am tired of being told to contact support only to be told everything is fine or asked to perform speed tests or reboots. If I could leave Cox for equal internet I would but there is nothing else available in the area so its this or nothing. I feel like they know that and just don't care anymore or are to tight with money to upgrade their systems to handle the influx in traffic because that is what causes packet loss, too much traffic. Can't wait for Fiber to be available here because I am gone as soon as its available. Keep trying to get a customer service agent through the live chat feature in the phone app but no one ever shows up to help me. This is only getting more frustrating each day. I've had it. I swear if the service agent responds to this message and asks me to reset my modem I'm gonna lose it! Don't ask me to send in an email to resolve this either! I've seen that seems to be the common response to most people's questions and comments on this forum. What is the point of the forum if I have to re-write everything and send it in an email when its already on the forum!? All I see on these forums is a massive amount of customer complaints about the same issues. SLOW speeds and no solutions to the overwhelming number of customers begging for upgrades to the Cox infrastructure. Cox, do something! Upgrade the networks to handle more traffic. Fix the problems. We are all being charged for service we aren't getting. That is how class action lawsuits start! 

I want a technician to come to my residence to see if anything is wrong with the lines coming into the building but I'm told they want to charge me $75! How is that ok? You can't charge someone for a problem in which you are responsible for Cox. 

When I use a packet loss tester and setup the test up to run as it would when playing a first person shooter I get this result... 43% packet loss!? THAT is insane! Before you ask, YES I tested my modem and router for packet loss. 0% packet loss when done independently on my end. This is so obviously on Cox's end but no one there wants to admit it. I could go on forever! 

My speedtest results:

I expect absolutely nothing to come of this post. Shouldn't that say it all?

-One very dissatisfied customer

  • Dave9's avatar
    Contributor III
    I want a technician to come to my residence to see if anything is wrong with the lines coming into the building but I'm told they want to charge me $75! How is that ok? You can't charge someone for a problem in which you are responsible for Cox. 

    They won't charge you unless the problem is the fault of your equipment and even then it's rare to be charged. Don't let that stop you from calling for a technician. There are only two possibilities: either it's their equipment and they fix it for free, or it's your equipment and they fix it for $75 which is a great price for on-site repair of personal equipment. Either way you win. Call for a tech.

    • VerK's avatar
      New Contributor III

      Already done. Will find out by Monday when the tech comes out. I expect them to blame my brand new equipment though as that's what they always say aside from "we see no problems at all". Thanks for the reply.

      • JonathanJ's avatar
        Former Moderator

        Let us know if you're still having an issue after the tech visit.

        Jonathan J
        Cox Moderator
  • VerK's avatar
    New Contributor III

    Update: Still nothing new. Technician came to my home, ran a new line from power pole to my outside tap on the exterior of my home and nothing has changed. Just took this speed test. Still TERRIBLE upload speed. A few days ago my download speed was cut to 150Mbps but the upload was good. How does that even happen without it being done intentionally? Today I am getting less than 1.50Mbps up. More standard reply emails and support asking me to reset my modem or check connections, nothing of actual use. The email I was asked to write netted the same result,. I provided all the info and got a copy/paste reply that contained absolutely nothing pertaining to my problem. It was clear they didn't even read my email but instead sent a standard, predetermined response. I will share my email and the reply below.

    My upload speed as of a few mins ago:

    The email chain I was asked to send for nothing:

    Here is the first email I was asked to send in response to TiffanyR's message above (red marker is blurred out personal info)

    I would post the reply I got from Cox's "Social media team" (no idea why they are even involved other than to keep public/bad exposure to a minimum and off the public internet i.e. damage control) but there is a disclaimer at the bottom stating I cannot share the email with anyone but myself which is just ridiculous and shows Cox is always out to cover their own tail over transparency or resolve. Another red flag. The email basically stated the typical mumbo jumbo, check connections, reset modem, sorry for the frustration, blah blah blah. We've all seen it and it contains nothing that leads me to believe anyone actually read my original detailed message. They even asked me to run a speed test and to share the results, something clearly documented in this very thread. Mind you I sent the link for this thread to them in the first email but they clearly did not bother reading any of it. 

    My response to their reply:

    Why am I sharing all of this? Mostly to document it and transparency because I think it could be helpful to others and pertinent in the future. Hope this helps someone.

    • Allan's avatar
      @VerK, I Realize how frustrating poor speeds can be and we want to get this issue resolved for you. Please reach back out to us at so we can continue to work towards a resolution on your behalf. Thanks. -Allan, Cox Support Forums Moderator.
  • VerK's avatar
    New Contributor III

    I mean look at this! 0.28Mbps Up at 8:30pm on a Thursday. What is going on here?

  • VerK's avatar
    New Contributor III

    This is just ridiculous. An upload speed of 0.06Mbps!?


  • JonathanJ's avatar
    Former Moderator

    I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused. Work is still being performed in your area to restore all services. During this time you may experience intermittent signal issues. The primary account holder can see outage alerts and updates through our Cox App from your smartphone or tablet anytime, anywhere.

    Apple Devices -

    Android Devices -

    Jonathan J
    Cox Moderator
    • VerK's avatar
      New Contributor III

      "During this time you may experience intermittent signal issues." If that is the case then why when I woke up this morning for work and tested my speeds at 7am its gave me 900Mbps down and 34Mbps up? Either the signal is out or it isn't? I see no outages reported in my area at this time either. There is no work being done. You guys just cant handle the traffic during peak times hence the packet loss and slow speeds. It's all over the internet, your nodes are overloaded all over the country and nothing is being done to fix the problem. We as consumers have little to no other options so Cox has a monopoly on the market and they know it. They don't have to upgrade because people can't do anything about it. Cox just rakes in the cash and we are left with either no internet or super slow internet. I just wish Cox would admit it. Cox is not equipped to handle the influx of traffic and instead of spending money to make the necessary changes to keep up with demand you guys decide to lower my areas upload speeds to unusable speeds during peak times. That's not a solution to a problem. It just creates more problems! I hate that I have to be so forward but I am upset and tired of this. I have been dealing with this for over a year now. I have a tech coming out as soon as possible and if nothing is fixed and I don't get better results then I will have to go to the FCC. I have read that filing an FCC complaint usually whips Cox into action. I guess that is where this is headed unfortunately. I work all day and just want to come home and do a little gaming but I cant with 0.17Mbps up (JUST ran a test). Gaming is impossible at that speed because you lag and rubber band all over the place. Now my weekend is also going to *** because a tech cant get here until Monday. 

      I want someone with real info and connections to tell us what is being done about this immense problem and when we can expect better service? Service we already overpay for! Let's hear it Cox. Another basic reply or something concrete with real solutions and real answers? Show us you care about your customers and not just their money.

      The ball is in your court.

  • trickproof's avatar
    New Contributor

    I'm experiencing the same speed issues, but in Kenner. This is a slight improvement from last week where I was intermittently losing connection completely. My coworker in River Ridge, also on Gigablast, is getting his full upload speeds however. So at least it's not terrible everywhere?

    I haven't tried getting a tech here YET because my area "is experiencing an outage"...  And if I get another support person telling me to reset my modem, I will also lose it. Even so, seems like you've been able to get at tech out and it hasn't made a difference. I'd like to believe that once this "outage" is resolved, the upload will go back to normal, but considering I've had problems in the past, I doubt this will fix the packet loss at least for my location.

    I've been suffering from intermittent packet loss since last year. I went through all the same bs that you've gone through with them not seeing problems on their end. Two technicians and a cox truck doing maintenance on the pole that runs to my house hadn't made a difference. Well, I actually had packet loss free internet for a few hours after the cox truck left. I just gave up on it after that. Trying to hold out for someone to run fiber to my street one day as well.

    rant over

    Hope that the situation improves soon.

    • DavidA2's avatar
      Former Moderator
      Hi Trickproof,

      I can certainly understand your concern and I can assure you that we want your service to work as intended. If you would like us to take a look at it, please feel free to email us at with your address and a link to this thread.

      Cox Support Forum Moderator