Forum Discussion

suj's avatar
New Contributor
4 years ago

Started Unicast Maintenance Ranging - No Response received - T3 time-out

I keep getting 

Started Unicast Maintenance Ranging - No Response received - T3 time-out
  • Dave9's avatar
    Contributor III

    This indicates a problem on your upstream connection. Confirm that all connections are tight. Replace interior cables with brand new high quality RG6 if practical. Remove all unnecessary splitters. If problems persist, contact Cox and request a tech visit as T3 timeouts are often caused by problems outside the boundaries of your property. Post your modem signals and full logs for more complete advice.

    • suj's avatar
      New Contributor

      All connections are tight and all cables are  high quality  RG6

      Here is the modem signals

      tarting Frequency

      <tabindex=-1>Startup Procedure
      Procedure Status Comment
      Acquire Downstream Channel 855000000 Hz Locked
      Connectivity State OK Operational
      Boot State OK Operational
      Security Enable BPI+
      IP Provisioning Mode Honor MDD IPv4 only

      <tabindex=-1>Downstream Bonded Channels
      Channel Lock Status Modulation Channel ID Frequency Power SNR / MER Unerrored Codewords Correctable Codewords Uncorrectable Codewords
      1 Locked QAM256 13 855000000 Hz 6.6 dBmV 44.9 dB 4142770845 84 294
      2 Locked QAM256 1 783000000 Hz 7.0 dBmV 45.1 dB 4141326958 32 0
      3 Locked QAM256 2 789000000 Hz 6.9 dBmV 45.1 dB 4274583369 846 636
      4 Locked QAM256 3 795000000 Hz 6.8 dBmV 45.0 dB 4274590126 802 609
      5 Locked QAM256 4 801000000 Hz 7.0 dBmV 45.1 dB 4274577501 673 701
      6 Locked QAM256 5 807000000 Hz 7.0 dBmV 45.3 dB 4274608176 683 634
      7 Locked QAM256 6 813000000 Hz 7.0 dBmV 45.1 dB 4274589750 724 708
      8 Locked QAM256 7 819000000 Hz 6.8 dBmV 45.0 dB 4274370609 695 722
      9 Locked QAM256 8 825000000 Hz 6.5 dBmV 44.9 dB 4274377815 738 671
      10 Locked QAM256 9 831000000 Hz 6.5 dBmV 44.9 dB 4274557633 677 643
      11 Locked QAM256 10 837000000 Hz 6.5 dBmV 44.9 dB 4274383564 709 618
      12 Locked QAM256 11 843000000 Hz 6.6 dBmV 44.9 dB 4274584807 1248 1769
      13 Locked QAM256 12 849000000 Hz 6.6 dBmV 44.9 dB 4274593436 876 1082
      14 Locked QAM256 14 861000000 Hz 6.5 dBmV 44.6 dB 4274601823 745 678
      15 Locked QAM256 15 867000000 Hz 6.5 dBmV 44.7 dB 4274617207 740 653
      16 Locked QAM256 16 873000000 Hz 6.7 dBmV 44.9 dB 4274625882 726 660
      17 Locked QAM256 17 879000000 Hz 6.8 dBmV 44.9 dB 4274628006 729 591
      18 Locked QAM256 18 885000000 Hz 6.7 dBmV 44.9 dB 4274636841 635 663
      19 Locked QAM256 19 891000000 Hz 6.7 dBmV 44.8 dB 4274643198 662 613
      20 Locked QAM256 20 897000000 Hz 6.9 dBmV 44.9 dB 4274648951 710 568
      21 Locked QAM256 21 903000000 Hz 6.9 dBmV 44.9 dB 4274654577 635 615
      22 Locked QAM256 22 909000000 Hz 7.1 dBmV 44.9 dB 4274661763 688 596
      23 Locked QAM256 23 915000000 Hz 7.2 dBmV 44.9 dB 4274667466 692 568
      24 Locked QAM256 24 921000000 Hz 7.2 dBmV 44.9 dB 4274672976 714 624
      25 Locked QAM256 25 927000000 Hz 7.4 dBmV 45.1 dB 4274677403 666 616
      26 Locked QAM256 26 933000000 Hz 7.4 dBmV 45.0 dB 4274682987 688 593
      27 Locked QAM256 27 939000000 Hz 7.5 dBmV 45.1 dB 4274690217 696 565
      28 Locked QAM256 28 945000000 Hz 7.6 dBmV 45.0 dB 4274693122 679 587
      29 Locked QAM256 29 951000000 Hz 7.6 dBmV 45.0 dB 4274698023 744 611
      30 Locked QAM256 30 957000000 Hz 7.7 dBmV 45.0 dB 4274714988 661 614
      31 Locked QAM256 31 963000000 Hz 7.7 dBmV 45.1 dB 4274699085 689 559
      32 Locked QAM256 32 969000000 Hz 7.7 dBmV 45.0 dB 4274698793 672 601

      <tabindex=-1>Upstream Bonded Channels
      Channel Lock Status Modulation Channel ID Frequency Power
      1 Locked ATDMA 1 17600000 Hz 40.5 dBmV
      2 Locked ATDMA 2 24000000 Hz 41.0 dBmV
      3 Locked ATDMA 3 30400000 Hz 41.5 dBmV
      4 Locked ATDMA 4 36800000 Hz 41.5 dBmV
      5 Not Locked Unknown 0 0 Hz 0.0 dBmV
      6 Not Locked Unknown 0 0 Hz 0.0 dBmV
      7 Not Locked Unknown 0 0 Hz 0.0 dBmV
      8 Not Locked Unknown 0 0 Hz 0.0 dBmV
      • suj's avatar
        New Contributor

        Cox tech had come a few months ago and said all signals looked good

    • bobsun's avatar
      New Contributor III

      No. It indicates a lack of response from the upstream server to a request from the modem. Repeated  requests without a response leads to a failure. 

      • Dave9's avatar
        Contributor III

        Uh, not sure why you're downvoting when I'm trying to help. That's technically true bit it makes it sound like there's a problem with the Cox CCAP. If your modem sends several RNG-REQ messages without receiving an RNG-RSP message it logs a T3 timeout. If the whole CCAP was down you'd see a complete loss of connectivity. The reason the modem isn't getting a RNG-RSP is because the RNG-REQ is never getting to the CCAP. This is almost always due to noise on the upstream which only a Cox technician can fix.

  • bobsun's avatar
    New Contributor III

    There is a fundamental flaw with the cable company dogma that we see repeated here.

    In my case, and in others reported here, the events are clustered in time. There is no connection flaw mechanism that would lead to time-related drop-outs.  However, a problem related to congestion and problems at the upstream end in dealing with congestion would explain time dependence. 

    The problem with having a Cox technician examine the problem at the customer end is that he will never find the problem if it is some sort of congestion issue. 

    I believe that Cox knows exactly what the problem is, and is not telling us because they do not want to spend the time and money to fix it.

    But maybe I am wrong and Dave's explanation that these problems are all unrelated coincidences having nothing to do with each other is the answer. 

    • Allan's avatar
      @Bobsun, I recommend sending us an email with your full address and a brief description of this issue to so we can take a closer look for you. -Allan, Cox Support Forums Moderator.
  • bobsun's avatar
    New Contributor III

    Same problem here. Repeated dropout of internet connection. In the last 2 days I have had 7 dropouts, lasting 1-4 min

    Started Unicast Maintenance Ranging - No Response received - T3 time-out - 3 outages

    Unicast Ranging Received Abort Response - Re-initializing MAC  4 outages

    This is occurring on a newly installed Motorola MB7621, after I was told my problem might be with my 2 yr old Netgear CM600

    My logs look pretty much like those posted. 

    This is a relatively new problem for me. I use VOIP for phone service, and these dropouts are unacceptable, particularly given what I pay for the service

    • bobsun's avatar
      New Contributor III

      I contacted Cox by phone, and was told I should call Motorola :^(

      • Dave9's avatar
        Contributor III

        See my reply above. If downstream is good but you have T3s, it's most likely a problem off of your property. Call Cox again and talk to someone else.